02 / 09
Eliptical penthouse in Florence
Interior design of this penthouse was done by architect Alex Meitlis of Ando Studio. Located on the top floor in a building in Florentine, Italy
02 / 05
Transform old apartment into luxury penthouse
Here are before and after pics to show the transformation of old apartment to become a luxury penthouse by Daniel Hopwood Studio
02 / 02
Night and Day penthouse in Bermondsey
Located in Bermondsey, London, England. This luxury penthouse was designed by Daniel Hopwood with design is all about contrast, old and the new, night and day
01 / 27
Elegant luxury penthouse in France
This elegant luxury penthouse is a private residence located in Nice, France. Designed NG Studio, it has a perfect interior design with neutral tones
01 / 26
PANO penthouse by AAd
The PANO Penthouse is located on the top floor, 53th-55th level, of a high-end residential tower in Bangkok called the PANO
01 / 23
Ultra luxury penthouse in New York
In addition to ultra luxury and modern design, this 3 stories penthouses also has 3 private garden with the biggest one is included outdoor living room and outdoor kitchen
01 / 21
Rooftop penthouse in Sydney Australia
Located on top of an old building in Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia. The Rooftop petnhouse is a living space with futuristic design in white metallic volume
01 / 15
Stunning penthouse in Mumbai
Combined from two apartments on the top of a building in Mumbai, a penthouse was designed by Abraham John Architects which has modern and luxury design with the spectacular views
01 / 09
The stunning sky garden penthouse
Not only own a luxurious space and stunning view, the penthouse also has a beautyful sky garden that surrounded the living space