Completed in 2013 by Adam Wiercinski Architekt, an apartment is a small living space with one bedroom but still responds all necessary living spaces with low-cost furniture and materials. Whole the apartment is used neutral tones like as white and brown with bold black accents to make a warm feeling

Cozy small apartment 43sqm in Poland

Cozy small apartment 43sqm in Poland

Cozy small apartment 43sqm in Poland

Cozy small apartment 43sqm in Poland

Cozy small apartment 43sqm in Poland

Cozy small apartment 43sqm in Poland

Cozy small apartment 43sqm in Poland

Keyword: apartment

Cozy small apartment 43sqm in Poland

Completed in 2013 by Adam Wiercinski Architekt, an apartment is a small living space with one bedroom but still responds all necessary living spaces with low-cost furniture and materials

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