Set within an idyllic rural estate nestled into the hillside is this private collection of vintage and contemporary automobiles.

Car collectors pavilion by Borgos Pieper

Working together with a passionate car collector who owns a rural estate we have finished the design of two spaces for the growing collection of vintage and contemporary automobiles. Formed by two vaulted grid-shells in steel and glass that are nestled into the hillside, the exhibition spaces are part of a sequence of pavilions set into the extensive landscaped grounds. The tree cover and rolling hills of the context make them a distinguished and crystalline presence in nature.

Design byBorgos Pieper
Location: Costa Brava, Spain
Year: 2020 - 2021

Car collectors pavilion by Borgos Pieper

Black Star Car Wash by GRETAPROJECT
Muangthongthani Carcare by Archimontage Design Fields Sophisticated

Car collectors pavilion by Borgos Pieper

Set within an idyllic rural estate nestled into the hillside is this private collection of vintage and contemporary automobiles...

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