To introduce the culture and spirit of Vietnam to the world, Vo Trong Nghia Architects has introduced bamboo pavilion at Expo 2015 is inspired by the lotus flower, Vietnam's national flower. Exhibition space surrounded by shallow lakes contribute a fresh clean air for visitors. Visitors can sit on the lotus leaf-shape platforms to relax or visit the outdoor exhibition is surrounded by the unique bamboo architecture

Vietnam pavilion at Expo Milan 2015

Vietnam pavilion at Expo Milan 2015

Vietnam pavilion at Expo Milan 2015

Vietnam pavilion at Expo Milan 2015

Vietnam pavilion at Expo Milan 2015

Vietnam pavilion at Expo Milan 2015

Vietnam pavilion at Expo Milan 2015

Vietnam pavilion at Expo Milan 2015

Vietnam pavilion at Expo Milan 2015

Images: Vo Trong Nghia Architects

Keyword: architecture, expo

Malaysia Pavilion At Expo Milan 2015

Vietnam pavilion at Expo Milan 2015

To introduce the culture and spirit of Vietnam to the world, Vo Trong Nghia Architects has introduced bamboo pavilion at Expo 2015 is inspired by the lotus flower

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