Comic and Animation Museum and Plaza is a project of EMBT to create the magical island with natural and artificial features that will play together with the comic museum experience in Hangzhou, China

Comic and Animation Museum and Plaza in China

A whole reinvention of the concept of a museum experience, a very brand new concept that will be thought exclusively for the city of Hangzhou and for China; making it become a world unique reference in its field.
The museum will be very innovative and will attract people of every age not only from china but from all over the globe as a new Chinese attraction park for fantasy and imagination.

Comic and Animation Museum and Plaza in China

The museum is a landmark that will trigger the complete landscape of white horse lake. a very respectful but at the same time very colorful and recognizable landmark the surroundings will play a very important and interactive role in the project. it will be transformed in some kind of magic land that will enhance the impossible, it will dare the mind to reach unexpected levels of imagination.

Comic and Animation Museum and Plaza in China

A building that understands the chinese landscape and will turn its immediate surroundings of the white horse lake as famous as the west lake from Hangzhou.

Comic and Animation Museum and Plaza in China

Comic and Animation Museum and Plaza in China

Comic and Animation Museum and Plaza in China

Comic and Animation Museum and Plaza in China

Comic and Animation Museum and Plaza in China

Comic and Animation Museum and Plaza in China

Comic and Animation Museum and Plaza in China

keyword: architecture

Comic and Animation Museum and Plaza in China

Comic and Animation Museum and Plaza is a project of EMBT to create the magical island with natural and artificial features that will play together with the comic museum in Hangzhou, China

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