Singhania House is a luxury villa was designed by Pattersons that is constructed of in-situ poured marble, concrete and white quartz rock to commune with nature.

Luxury villa with white quartz rock

Follow the architects: This villa is situated 5 kilometres from the centre of New Delhi on a large walled site. It resolves the different needs of a large extended family into one compound. Each part of the house is customised by the whole works together to support family life.

Luxury villa with white quartz rock

Luxury villa with white quartz rock

Luxury villa with white quartz rock

Luxury villa with white quartz rock

Luxury villa with white quartz rock

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Luxury villa with white quartz rock

Singhania House is a luxury villa was designed by Pattersons that is constructed of in-situ poured marble, concrete and white quartz rock to commune with nature

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