Adventist Medical Centre by Napp Studio & Architects

Adventist Medical Centre by Napp Studio & Architects

Adventist Medical Centre – CWB transforms traditional clinical spaces that prioritize operations over experience into a warm and welcoming interior for body and mind...

Courtyard Roof by Napp Studio & Architects

Courtyard Roof by Napp Studio & Architects

The entire exhibition borrows one of the most important communal elements in Chinese Architecture which is the central courtyard...

Tai Kwun Education Centre by Napp Studio & Architects

Tai Kwun Education Centre by Napp Studio & Architects

The education centre is situated in the century-old heritage building, there is no way to avoid contact with the past...

Nha Trang Canteen MIKIKI by Napp Studio & Architects

Nha Trang Canteen MIKIKI by Napp Studio & Architects

One of the most appreciated moments of Vietnam cuisine shall be the experience of kerbside dining for its authenticity and informality...

Inflatable Chapel by Napp Studio & Architects

Inflatable Chapel by Napp Studio & Architects

Along the same playful line of thought with the Situationist Art Movement in questioning our context and environment in unusual circumstances, Inflatable Chapel is a portable, reusable, personal and spontaneous spiritual space...

Zoo Along The Waterfront by Napp Studio & Architects

Zoo Along The Waterfront by Napp Studio & Architects

Inspired by the forms of five different animals, through deploying wood strips of various lengths to build this portable furniture series...

NEW MOSQUE FOR ALL by Napp Studio & Architects

NEW MOSQUE FOR ALL by Napp Studio & Architects

While architecture styles could change, religious dates, rituals and festivals persist. Thus, the fundamental challenge of the design of a new mosque lies in the extraction and interpretation of the essence...

Dicot Office by Napp Studio & Architects

Dicot Office by Napp Studio & Architects

Renovating the 30+-year-old traditional audio-visual engineering office with a branch extension that focuses on building innovative smart systems...

TEMPLE OF (CITY) FABRIC by Napp Studio & Architects

TEMPLE OF (CITY) FABRIC by Napp Studio & Architects

While yarns are weaved into fabric and knitted into garments that protect our bodies, building materials are put together as architecture, keeping us from the weather and in warmth...