01 / 17
TUR House by OOIIO Architecture
TUR House is an exercise in total customization of a home in a standard apartment block, within an affordable budget, taking advantage of the opportunities that the industry already offers...
03 / 19
Albania House in Ciudad Real by OOIIO Architecture
It is a rather unique housing project, which despite the very simple and economical materials used in its construction, achieves great expressiveness thanks to...
02 / 06
Miga House by OOIIO Architecture
OOIIO Architecture Studio concludes the refurbishment works in a cozy apartment in Madrid River: MIGA House
11 / 15
Casa GAS - the 4 yards house in Toledo by OOIIO Architecture
OOIIO Architecture completes the construction of a new single-family housing project. It is a work done with much love for a young and modern couple who wanted a comfortable
04 / 28
Horse Riding Field in Cattle Farm by OOIIO Architecture
OOIIO Architecture developed a deep refurbishment in a cattle farm, located in a privileged enclave of the fields of Castilla
05 / 23
Unbalance Hotel by OOIIO Architecture
This project is one of great architectural concept of OOIIO Architecture to create a frame-building which thanks to its peculiar shape, serves to add value to the landscape...