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Luxury villa in Beverly Hills
Located in Beverly Hills, the luxury villa is surrounded by lush vegetation and you will easily mistaken for a luxury resort
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Green kindergarten in Vietnam by Vo Trong Nghia
To help the children realize the importance of the environment, the green kindergarten designed by Vo Trong Nghia, is a block of sustainable architecture with energy saving features
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Living room designs for book lovers
The collection of living room designs with a beautiful luxury shelfs that were manipulated to serve the needs for book lovers
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Tiny apartment 8m2
Did you ever imagine a small house 8m2, while ensuring the necessary functional space. This small apartment will be a valuable reference for the tiny living space
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Master plan Abu Dhabi airport
Abu Dhabi International Airport architecture was developed by Kohn Pedersen Fox, as contributing to the list of super-architectural complex in the world
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Luxury beach penthouse by JM Architecture
It was designed in 2014 by JM Architecture. The penthouse was created a luxurious living space with warm colors and beautiful blue ocean in Italy
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Green nature villa in Singapore
Beautiful house is located on Sentosa island, is surrounded by natural green patches on each floor and even on the roof
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Luxury penthouse with Bentley furniture
Beautiful penthouse is inspired luxury interior design of Bentley supercar, the house is not only beautiful but also extremely unique luxury and innovative
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Origami apartment by Nordes
Unlike a modern or traditional house, this beautiful apartment style of the future is inspired by the art of origami