07 / 18
King's Court by MAD Studio | 400 sqft Flat Transformation in Hong Kong
MAD Studio has ingeniously reimagined a compact 400 sqft flat to create a stunning, functional home for a young couple passionate about cooking...
07 / 17
St. Kilda Micro Sanctuary by Tsai Design | 25m2 studio apartment renovation
St Kilda Micro Sanctuary is a 25m2 studio apartment renovation. The client is a couple who spent most of their time overseas, and this is designed to be their home for 2-3 months in a year, and renting out for temporary accommodation the rest of the time...
07 / 16
House FC by fws_work | Compact Loft Transformation
fws_work has transformed a compact loft in Taipei, Taiwan into an artist's residence, imbuing every step, every moment, and every scene with a sense of poetic essence...
06 / 24
Port-Royal Apartment by Mitchell Sweibel Studio
Mitchell Sweibel Studio is proud to unveil the renovation of an apartment in the Port-Royal tower | Contemporary Architectural Renovation within a Historic Building...
05 / 09
Landmarked Chelsea Minimal Transformation by Rauch Architecture
Located on a historic block in one of the NYC's earliest planned landmarked neighborhoods, Chelsea, this renovation involved the combination of two units into a duplex apartment inside an 1830s Greek Revival brownstone...
05 / 07
Treasure Cuboid by Sim-Plex Design Studio
Sim-Plex adopts the concept of a three-dimensional Treasure Cuboid, integrating two additional three-dimensional box-like spaces into the overall layout...
04 / 02
Lego Homeland by Sim-Plex Design Studio
This project, Lego Homeland, combines the playful fun of Lego with a transparent and bright Scandinavian style...
02 / 26
Heritage Apartment by Studio Guilherme Torres
With an area of 570 m2, the apartment is designed with two zones, the social zone and the intimate zone. In the social zone, the integration between the living room and the balcony takes center stage, transforming into a large living area, like a home theater...
02 / 17
Territoire Charlevoix by Atelier L'Abri
Atelier L'Abri introduces Territoire Charlevoix, a singular concept of experiential camping set in the Canadian wilderness...