Architectural concept inspired by cobra for Asian towers

Architectural concept inspired by cobra for Asian towers

Vasily Klyukin has designed the Asian Cobra Tower, an amazing architectural concept for any towers in Eastern cities that is inspired by cobra...

Top Sexy Tower by Vasily Klyukin

Top Sexy Tower by Vasily Klyukin

The Top City Tower in New York is a very prodigal concept by Vasily Klyukin that he want to redefine skycrapers and towers with beautiful and sexy images

21st Century Notre-Dame Paris by Vasily Klyukin

21st Century Notre-Dame Paris by Vasily Klyukin

With interest in aesthetic and material of Notre-Dame in Paris, Vasily Klyukin has envisioned a concept of the historical cathedral with new material like as concrete, metal and glass

White Sails Hospital & Spa in Tunisia Economic City

White Sails Hospital & Spa in Tunisia Economic City

With a idea to create a hospital where people will not feel fear while visiting, Vasily Klyukin has announced the most pleasant hospital in the world - White Sails Hospital & Spa