01 / 09
Foster + Partners wins competition to design Alibaba's new HQ in Shanghai
Foster + Partners has won the competition to design the new headquarters for Alibaba – the Chinese ecommerce giant – in Shanghai...
01 / 06
Ortho Apartment by Fábrica Arquitetos
The project consists in the transformation of a new apartment within an area of 42 m², located in the neighborhood of Pinheiros in São Paulo, Brazil...
01 / 05
Ness Point by Tonkin Liu
Ness Point is a new house set in the dramatic landscape of the White Cliffs of Dover. Hunkered into the land with undulating thick walls along its length...
01 / 05
Kita Aoyama by Conran and Partners
This project demonstrates a holistic design through both the architecture and interior design, as well as the spaces between...
01 / 05
Shenyang China Overseas - Wang Jing Mansion Sales Center by ONE-CU Interior Design Lab
ONE-CU creates a real estate sales center based on thinking on community, space and people...
01 / 04
Musical Sant'Antonio by Matteo Cainer Architecture
Sant'Antonio Musicale it is an interesting urban project that Matteo Cainer Architecture designed for the Municipality of Trieste...
01 / 04
Reading under the Lake by Waterfrom Design
The project is a place that combines reception center, tea area, ladder rest area, reading area, lecture hall, kitchen, dining area, office, etc...
01 / 04
Private Sunset by Egue y Seta
We call this Private Sunset, but we might as well have called it Private Sunrise, for this attic is framed just by that, the sun setting and coming up again...
01 / 02
Bienville House by Nathan Fell Architecture
To build a house for a family with growing needs that would provide access to outside light and air. The project had to include an additional unit, used as a short term rental...