The World's Longest Suspension Bridge has opened in Switzerland to connect Grächen and Zermatt along the Europaweg at a dizzying height, offering views and distant a background with the Matterhorn, Weisshorn and the Bernese Alps.

The World's Longest Suspension Bridge is open

The bridge is 494 m long and thus surpasses all world records. There are other superlatives to experience in the surroundings along the Europaweg from Grächen to Zermatt: the highest mountains in Switzerland soar into the heavens (Dom 4,545 m). The path runs between 1,600 m and 2,200 m above sea level and high above the deepest cut valley in Switzerland. Anyone setting off along the Europaweg from Grächen will always have the most famous mountain in Switzerland, the Matterhorn, before them. And those hiking towards Grächen always see the Bernese Alps.

The swissrope / Lauber Seilbahnen AG, Frutigen, erected the hikers’ suspension bridge near Randa in only 10 weeks. swissrope has already built countless suspension bridges in Switzerland and abroad and thus installed sensational connection bridges with Swiss quality work. Among others is the suspension bridge near Furi above Zermatt. Now there is nothing in the way of an unusual hiking experience along the Europaweg near Randa. How often does one have the possibility to cross a world record holding suspension bridge? The thrill of traversing the precipice is indescribable.

New three-kilometre bridge of St Lawrence river
Laguna Garzón Bridge by Vinoly

The World's Longest Suspension Bridge is open

The World's Longest Suspension Bridge has opened in Switzerland to connect Grächen and Zermatt along the Europaweg at a dizzying height

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