Tsubomi Villas by Kengo Kuma and Associates

Tsubomi Villas by Kengo Kuma and Associates

This concept was designed by Kengo Kuma and Associates to create 6 villas named Tsubomi, yoga pavilion and green house that has architecture merges into nature...

Under One Roof by Kengo Kuma and Associates

Under One Roof by Kengo Kuma and Associates

Under One Roof project was designed by Kengo Kuma and Associates which includes three programs are tucked under a grand pitched roof

Iiyama Cultural Hall by Kengo Kuma and Associates

Iiyama Cultural Hall by Kengo Kuma and Associates

Iiyama Cultural Hall is a cultural complex of halls and a community centre that has the spaces are connected with an interiorize passage which the architect call Nakamichi

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