09 / 07
Shenzhen North Station Urban Design by Mecanoo
Mecanoo architecten has been named the winner of the urban design competition for the Shenzhen North Station business district
08 / 06
Namdeamun Office Building in Seoul by Mecanoo
The Mecanoo completed their first project in Seoul - the Namdeamun Office Building with black linear facade patterns
07 / 09
St. Gerlach Pavilion and Manor Farm by Mecanoo
Located in the middle of the hilly Limburg contryside. This unique complex designed by Mecanoo to form an elegant pavilion which balances the historic buildings on the site
10 / 31
Eden Soestdijk: Experimental garden in the Netherlands
The architecture studio Mecanoo has unveiled the Eden Soestdijk project - an experimental garden for a sustainable society and a paradise destination for all in the Netherlands
07 / 05
Kaohsiung Train Station by Mecanoo
Netherlands-based architecture studio Mecanoo has revealed a new design for the Kaohsiung Station with the public green space and activate the local community...
05 / 11
Manchester Engineering Campus Development by Mecanoo
Manchester Engineering Campus Development will be the world-leading teaching, learning and research campus to develop the engineers and innovators of tomorrow