Located in the Victorian coastal town of Jan Juc, the site is positioned on a south-east facing hill with extensive ocean views. This is the second residence designed by Idle Architecture Studio for these clients, who had outgrown their previous space and decided they needed a new house to assist with the increasing spatial demands of a growing family, incorporating flexible internal/external living areas.

Seahaven Residence by Idle Architecture Studio

ArchitectIdle Architecture Studio
Location: Jan Juc, Victoria, Australia
Year: 2015
Project size: 425 m2
Site size: 1,674m2
Photography: Hilary Bradford

Seahaven Residence by Idle Architecture Studio

From the architect: This new residence presents as a sculptural response to ocean views, connection to natural light, sheltered external spaces and internal circulation requirements. To capitalize on the ocean views, an elongated central kitchen/dining/living area that is raised above ground was conceived. Full length glazing to both sides allow views through the internal living areas from sheltered external livings areas to the rear of the site, where access to northern sunlight is of high importance.

Seahaven Residence by Idle Architecture Studio

This feature enables protection from the prevailing coastal weather conditions while maintaining the ocean views throughout. A master bedroom & parents wing is placed above the living areas to the western side, separated from the children’s bedroom wing on the eastern side of the site, which steps up with the natural slope of the land.

Seahaven Residence by Idle Architecture Studio

Our client requested the use of materials requiring minimal maintenance, as a result we explored materials that did not require additional coatings such as paint, oils and stains. 

Seahaven Residence by Idle Architecture Studio

Seahaven Residence by Idle Architecture Studio

Seahaven Residence by Idle Architecture Studio

Seahaven Residence by Idle Architecture Studio

Seahaven Residence by Idle Architecture Studio

Seahaven Residence by Idle Architecture Studio

Seahaven Residence by Idle Architecture Studio

Seahaven Residence by Idle Architecture Studio

Seahaven Residence by Idle Architecture Studio

Rennie Street Thornbury Victoria by Architect Hewson
Inside Outside House in Perth by Craig Steere Architects

Seahaven Residence by Idle Architecture Studio

Perched high on the hill overlooking Jan Juc, this house has been designed to maximize the views afforded from within, whether they are directed outward to the sea

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