11 / 07
Paint Drop in Shanghai by 100architects
Paint Drop is a creative public space intervention designed to create a visual link between the main plaza and a newly open retail space, to firstly make the new space noticeable
06 / 07
The Snow Globe in Shanghai by 100architects
The Snow Globe is a public space intervention on the renowned award-winning Retail Street of Shanghai Xintiandi, in downtown Shanghai...
04 / 26
Tango Triangle in Shanghai by 100architects
The Triangle Tango is a public space intervention designed by 100architects to foster interactions, attract customers and enhance the experience in the privately-owned...
03 / 12
Red Planet in Shanghai by 100architects
The Red Planet is a public space intervention designed to foster interactions, attract customers and enhance the experience in the privately-owned public space
09 / 03
Underwater Office Space in Shanghai by 100architects
This Underwater Office Space designed by 100architects for new Club Med's Headquaters in Shanghai
04 / 13
Vertical Times by 100architects
Vertical Times is a vertical park in New York which has an unique tubular architecture design in order to multiplies the intended space for public recreation in a vertical way