12 / 21
Qianhai Data Center in Shenzhen by Mecanoo
Mecanoo's data centre redesigns the typology into an iconic lighthouse on top of cantilevered gardens
12 / 19
Vanke 3D City - The Next Generation of Skyscrapers by MVRDV
The Next Generation of Skyscrapers: MVRDV Redefines the Tower with Vanke Headquarters Competition Win in Shenzhen
11 / 20
Happy by Studio Cadena is the Winner of the 2018 Flatiron Public Plaze Design Competion
Site-specific installation Happy by Studio Cadena, the winner of the fifth annual Flatiron Public Plaza Design Competition...
10 / 24
Museum of 20th Century by Herzog & de Meuron
The revised design for the Museum of 20th Century was presented in the presence of Monika Grütters, Kulturstaatsministerin (Minister of State for Culture)...
10 / 22
BIG + ONE + Sherwood vision for Islais Hyper-Creek
The BIG + ONE + Sherwood team announce their vision for Southeastern San Francisco is an Islais Hyper-Creek, a restoration of the natural ecosystems...
10 / 02
Zaha Hadid Architects wins competition to build Sverdlovsk Philharmonic Concert Hall
Zaha Hadid Architects have been selected by the jury of the international design competition to build the new Sverdlovsk Philharmonic Concert Hall in Yekaterinburg
09 / 24
Metamorphosis of The Hotel Des Postes by Vincent Callebaut Architectures
Vincent Callebaut Architectures unveiled their new winning project in Luxembourg Metamorphosis of The Hotel Des Postes
09 / 24
Heart of St Kilda by Perversi-Brooks Architects
Heart of St Kilda is a competition submission to the LAGI 2018 Melbourne Competition which asked competitors to design a clean energy landscape for a post-carbon world
09 / 23
Metaform and Mecanoo win the Competition to design the First Velodromes
Metaform and Mecanoo, Luxembourg and Netherlands based architecture offices, have won a competition to design a new Velodrome and a Sports Complex in Luxembourg