Elegant apartment with luminous ceiling by NCDA

Elegant apartment with luminous ceiling by NCDA

Stubbs Road is an elegant apartment with tranquil spaces and defined by 16m long sinuous wood wall and luminous ceiling oculi

Contemporary apartment in Paris

Contemporary apartment in Paris

Located in the heart of Paris arrondissement. The luxury apartment spreads over 2 story with a contemporary style, sophisticated interior and romantic views of the Eiffel Tower

Luxury apartment in Tel Aviv by pisou kedem architect

Luxury apartment in Tel Aviv by pisou kedem architect

This luxury apartment located in Tel Aviv and designed by pisou kedem architect. It's spread over 270m2 with modern minimalist design in 2 striking contrast colours of black and white

Black and white penthouse in Russia

Black and white penthouse in Russia

Located in Kaliningrad, Russia. An luxury penthouse is a modern private residence with 2 cool black and white color. It's was designed by Ramūnas Manikas

Sandton Penthouse in South Africa

Sandton Penthouse in South Africa

Located in Sandhurst Towers in Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa. This three-level penthouse is was design to showcase of 21st Century luxury urban living

Transform old apartment into luxury penthouse

Transform old apartment into luxury penthouse

Here are before and after pics to show the transformation of old apartment to become a luxury penthouse by Daniel Hopwood Studio

Night and Day penthouse in Bermondsey

Night and Day penthouse in Bermondsey

Located in Bermondsey, London, England. This luxury penthouse was designed by Daniel Hopwood with design is all about contrast, old and the new, night and day

Elegant luxury penthouse in France

Elegant luxury penthouse in France

This elegant luxury penthouse is a private residence located in Nice, France. Designed NG Studio, it has a perfect interior design with neutral tones

Rooftop penthouse in Sydney Australia

Rooftop penthouse in Sydney Australia

Located on top of an old building in Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia. The Rooftop petnhouse is a living space with futuristic design in white metallic volume